Our History
A History of Excellence
The history of Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences can be traced back to 1898 when Moline Public School of Nursing opened its doors to enroll four students; 1899 when St. Anthony's Hospital School of Nursing opened its doors to enroll four students; and 1916 when Lutheran Hospital School for Nurses opened its doors to enroll four students, all interested in learning the discipline of nursing. With medical advances made in the late 1930's these three continued to serve the residents of the Quad Cities area, and their respective schools of nursing thrived.
The first radiography certificate program was established in 1951 by St. Anthony's Hospital. In 1952, both Moline Public Hospital and Lutheran Hospitals established certificate programs in radiography. These early radiography programs consisted of 18 months of x-ray technology coursework at the hospital and a six-month internship leading to a certificate as a radiology technologist.
In 1959, Lutheran Hospital established the school of inhalation therapy, which later became known as respiratory therapy. Today this discipline is known as respiratory care.
In 1961, Moline Public Hospital began educating surgical technologists. This certificate program continued as a tradition until 2011 when the program was discontinued by Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences in an effort to move the College toward degree-granting programs.
In 1972, Moline Public Hospital began educating emergency medical services providers. This program offered certificates in emergency medical technician-basic and paramedic. This program continued as a tradition until 2011 when the program was discontinued by Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences in an effort to move the College toward degree-granting programs.
In 1989, Moline Public and Lutheran Hospitals, both located in Moline, Illinois, merged to become United Medical Center, thus creating the United Medical Center School of Nursing and United Medical Center Schools of Allied Health. On October 1, 1992, United Medical Center merged with Franciscan Hospital in Rock Island, Illinois, to become Trinity Medical Center, thus creating Trinity Medical Center School of Nursing and Trinity Medical Center Schools of Allied Health.
Trinity School of Nursing transitioned from granting hospital-based diplomas to a 2 + 2 program awarding associate and baccalaureate degrees from 1994 - 1996. In 1996, Trinity School of Nursing applied for candidacy to become recognized as an accredited college of nursing. Degree-granting authority was granted by the Higher Learning Commission in 1998 and the nursing school assumed the name Trinity College of Nursing. Our institution was referred to as Trinity College of Nursing and Schools of Allied Health.
From 2001 to 2002, the Trinity Schools of Allied Health transitioned the Radiography certificate program into an Associate of Applied Science program, thus eliminating the certificate option within this discipline. The Emergency Medical Services and Surgical Technology programs developed associate of applied science degree tracks while maintaining the option for students to obtain a certificate in each of these disciplines. With the transition to degree-granting status within the allied health programs, Trinity College of Nursing and Schools of Allied Health sought accreditation as a two-year and above degree-granting college. In 2003, the Higher Learning Commission awarded degree-granting authority in the disciplines of radiography, emergency medical services, and surgical technology, thus assuming the name Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences.
Trinity College received degree-granting authority for the Associate of Applied Science in Respiratory Care in 2005. The first cohort of Respiratory Care students was enrolled in 2007.
The nursing program was expanded in 2008 to include the first pre-licensure baccalaureate degree at Trinity College. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Accelerated program was designed for graduates holding a bachelor's degree in a field other than nursing. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Basic program was implemented in 2010. This pre-licensure nursing program offered an avenue for obtaining a baccalaureate degree for students who did not already hold a nursing license or a previous bachelor's degree.
Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences obtained approval to offer a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree in June 2013. This program was designed for graduates of associate or certificate health sciences programs. The first cohort of Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences students was enrolled in the fall of 2013. Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences was also approved to offer a Master of Science in Nursing degree in June 2013. The first graduate program at Trinity College enrolled students in spring 2014. This program offered two options: Nursing Education and Leadership in Health Care Systems. In January 2018, the College received approval to offer the Master of Science in Nursing-Direct Entry program option, a pre-licensure graduate degree for students who hold a non-nursing baccalaureate degree. The first cohort of students began in summer 2018. Trinity College continues to develop nursing and health sciences programs to meet the healthcare needs of our local community and beyond.
Our Seal
The Trinity College Seal is inscribed with a golden lamp. This lamp of knowledge symbolizes the search for wisdom and knowledge. Upon graduation from Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences, alumni hold a lifelong affiliation with one of the finest nursing and health science colleges in the region.